What is a
pressure gauge valve
The pressure gauge valve is specially designed to connect one end to the pressure gauge and the other end to connect to the process. The pressure gauge valve is installed in the pipeline and is used as a shut-off valve for the pressure gauge. It is very typical for a water seal pipe to be installed in the pipeline before the pressure gauge valve.
Features and functions of a pressure gauge snubber
The adjustable pressure valve is a typical cone or punch type valve. The gauge valve restricts flow before the gauge and can completely shut off fluid flow to the gauge, so the gauge can be disassembled for calibration and / or replacement without depressurizing the entire facility and has the ability to leave it. Out of service.
What types of pressure
gauge snubber exist
Brass Gauge Valves
Stainless Steel Gauge Valves
En Zaes como fabricante de válvulas de aguja, desde hace más de 60 años, les garantizamos un producto de calidad para sus instalaciones.
Manometer Valves Operation
The gauge valve reduces and / or closes the rate at which fluid or gas reaches the gauge. The manometer valve is mainly used in the manometer application, by not changing the process pressure and protecting the manometer, it has a longer service life and its replacement and / or calibration is as simple as possible.